Saturday, September 09, 2006

Yours Truly

This is what happens when bonzers attack!


Anonymous said...

oooowl! I hope my baby doesn't get wind of this. She has always kept her 'Bonzer Business Bits' busy below my chest.

J.P. said...

Rub some dirt on it and walk it off.

Anonymous said...

bonzer = more fins to cut yourself on

unidentified said...

When people do this stalling around in front of you and figure they'll duck dive their sponge or whatever right under you, well I just like to show em the weapons we bonzers carry underneath.
Post that, they tend to get the frick out of the way.
Oh and: bonzer = worth the slice.

Who's Your Daddy said...

"Oh and: bonzer = worth the slice."

Indeed. They are pretty much what I ride exclusively.

Anonymous said...
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