Monday, September 25, 2006

T Minus Zero Seconds...

We've all been there at least once, just not caught on film. Weeeeeeeeee!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WYD, do you have permission to use photographs from or are YOU being a donkey and ripping off someone else's work?

Who's Your Daddy said...

Surfart, LOL.

All I'm doing is sharing a few pics for a non-commercial use and each and every pic from their site that has been used clearly has the "" on it. If anything, maybe they should thank me for marketing thier site a bit?

Is that "ripping off" someone else's work? My crude understanding of the legal issues at play here is that anything they post on the web can be used by others for a non-commercial use...but I'm not a lawyer so what do I know?

If they have a problem, they can send me an email and I'll gladly have a converstaion with them.

Who's Your Daddy said...

converstation = conversation

sorry for the typo!

Anonymous said...

Fair use. If they don't like it they can block hotlinking.

Anonymous said...

WYD, you got the crude part right.
You don't have the photographer's permission and that's a donkeymove right there.

Be responsible. Don't deflect and don't put the onus on the photographer.

You're ripping off, that's so lame.

Who's Your Daddy said...

No deflection here, but your panties seem to be creeping up your bum.

As anonymous said above, the issue is fair a google search on it, there's plenty out there to read.

I can't wait for your next installment of attack Your Daily Donkey. I appreciate your concern/interest/obsession with my blog, but feel free to go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you got caught with your pants down.