Saturday, September 16, 2006

Full Suit or Not?

This guy gets bonus points for riding a pop-out!


Anonymous said...

Is that YOU donkey dude?

C'ya at the coastal clean up

Anonymous said...

Methinks someone ^^^ might have a little donkey in em.

Anonymous said...

Daily Donkey is sophomoric and stupid.
What is the point of making fun of people?
Those featured are out there to have fun, and enjoy themselves (maybe on their day off, just like you), and get stoked.

Why not try something more positive and creative with your site?

J.P. said...

His eyes are closed and he is about to run over a small child but it's all good.

Who's Your Daddy said...

stillstoked...this is obviously not your cup of tea. I suggest that you find your entertainment elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Donkey Dude, don't deflect.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Lou Ferrigno?