Thursday, September 21, 2006

Didn't See You Bro...

This is an everyday occurrance. Why is the guy on the shoulder still taking off on the wave? It's obvious that the other guy has been up and riding for a while.


J.P. said...

If shoulderhopper is who I think he is he is going to get up on one knee and go straight.

Anonymous said...

Okay Donkey defenders talk your way out of this one.

Anonymous said...

Please, why should I let the left go to waste....You don't own this wave...sorry man, did'nt see ya, again...Could'nt pull bad...that should be pretty easy to fix...lucky it's your board and not you...

Anonymous said...

i just figured you were'nt using this part of the wave... besides I surf here all the time so it's MY wave...

Anonymous said...

But if you are looking to the right the whole time and you don't see the guy to your left, doesn't that mean it's your wave. :)

Anonymous said...

This should be the only exception to the 'No lefts after Labor Day' rule; the guy up on the right was ruining lefty's back door barell attempt.

Anonymous said...

It's not fair that you're taking off from so far back and making the wave.

You're supposed to share.

Anonymous said...

" sorry dude , i though you were going left"