Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Pic sent in and taken by KaserOne.


Anonymous said...

we have a winner!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that someone finally caught Kaser in action outside of the van.

23 Chips

Anonymous said...

Holy Donkey!

Tony Lewis said...

Done it.

Danimal said...

Those are always fun to watch because the board shoots out behind them until the leash is stretched to the max, then the board comes catapulting right back at them. Its amazing they don't get smacked in the face everytime this happens.

JP from Surfy Surfy said...

I like it when Daily Donkey and Daily Bread team up.

Who's Your Daddy said...

Maybe the collaborative site can be called "Pinch A Loaf"?

Anonymous said...

We need more donkeys like this in the line up - it'll make me look like less of a mule!!!