Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Little Bit Of Everything...

Let's see: 55-gallon drum belly (check); spring-suit and booties (check); akward lean (check); plastic pop-out longboard (check)!

Photo courtesy of Maggie.


Anonymous said...

whats the problem with springsuit and booties?

If it has a rocky bottom, I dont see why you feel its donkey-worthy.

please esplain' yeself.

Who's Your Daddy said...

Trust me. Sand Bottom. Regardless, SSBM is always a donkey!

Anonymous said...

Hi who's your daddy.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, wats wrong with that.
I put my bored on by minivan nose fust.

I'm also going to get a full deck traction pad, bro and someone recomended that I get a neck leash, so I can walk the deck.


Anonymous said...

Is that a short john with a long sleeve rash guard? Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Anonymous said...

"Senator, I served with Spring Suit Booty Man, I knew Spring Suit Booty Man, Spring Suit Booty Man was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Spring Suit Booty Man."

Anonymous said...

Hey WYD, that's not an awkward stance; that guy is just going for the "lay-forward" backside tube ride.

I'm glad that you're glad to see short-johns making a comeback.

Who's Your Daddy said...

eric - You're just sad that you can't wear a short-john in your neck of the woods.

J.P. said...

Nature will have it's revenge via baldness and diabetes.

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY, I just wore my short-john the other day. The water is 65 DEGREES up here right now, and the 4/3 just is not working out, you know?