Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words.

Image from Signon San Diego. I need to go throw up now.


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I got it! Going right!!!!

  2. ugh. why would anyone keep walking down the stairs even if half as many guys are out? thanks g-d for surf spots that don't have stairs.

  3. i was beginning to loose my understanding of crowds. thanks for helping me to re-evaluate situations at home.
    - J from PNW

  4. i was beginning to loose my understanding of crowds. thanks for helping me to re-evaluate situations at home.
    - J from PNW

  5. i was beginning to loose my understanding of crowds. thanks for helping me to re-evaluate situations at home.
    - J from PNW

  6. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Ah - The Wisdom Of Crowds. If enough people take off on a single wave then at least one of them will make it. Uh - no. Got that wrong.

  7. Anonymous8:15 AM

    That crowd is like a ride at Disneyland... But somewhere else will have less people and a shorter line...

  8. I got it on good authority that there were a hundred guys out at the cove on Wednesday. Compare that to the 20+ guys out during the 2005 swell. The lifeguards were 'rescuing' these asshats. Amazing...

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Wait, there's that guy from the Instant Boulder Site. He may have gone out and been a risk somewhere in the county for some unsuspecting lifeguard that should be saving women and children, instead of being smart enough to stay out of the water.

  10. and friday i was out trying a new board with only two other guys in the water----but, what the heck , we who live on the right coast are clueless, right?

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I don't think a 100 guys were out but it was crowded. Good thing was only 10% of the people or less were actually catching waves. Everyone else seemed content to watch.

  12. holy moly - that's just dumb

  13. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I got some navy surplus water mines. Who's with me?
